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Click's Kate Russell looks at one way of using augmented reality to amuse yourself in a traffic jam....


Classical scholars hope that digital technology will enable them to read ancient scrolls recovered from Herculaneum, which was buried in volcanic ash nearly 2,000 years ago....


US retail giant Target is investigating after data from 40 million credit cards is believed to have been stolen....


US mobile operator Verizon says it will reveal the number of requests for customer information it received from law enforcement agencies this year....


A former Microsoft manager and his friend are charged with insider trading by the US securities regulator....


Smartphone maker Blackberry loses $4.4bn as it agrees a five-year deal with Foxconn, the world's largest maker of electronic products and components....


Google is fined 900,000 euros (£751,000) for not doing enough to respect Spanish data protection laws...


Rupert Murdoch's media company NewsCorp buys Storyful, an Irish "social media news agency"....


A project to create artificial life has hit a key milestone - the simulated creature can now move....


Lawyers for Steps singer Ian 'H' Watkins have approached Google after his image appeared next to stories about convicted paedophile Ian Watkins....


The year "mobile" went from being a gadget to a state of mind...


Mechanised rescue workers compete for a Pentagon pay-out...


A new device has been launched that can transform almost any bicycle into an electric-hybrid vehicle....


The idea of 'eyebombing' is to stick removable goggly eyes onto objects like parking meters and pipes, so they almost seem human....


Two men are jailed for a "sinister cyber attack" on a Manchester-based online casino company....

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